More freedom, flow, fulfilment and fun

I’m Laura Cruise, also known as The Dream Transition Mentor™.

My mission in life is to help you create the life you've always dreamed of, the one that gives you freedom, flow, fulfilment and fun. 

Ten years ago I created my own dream life transition and I can honestly tell you that I am at the happiest point of my entire life - let me help you do the same.

Fear, Fame, and Fabulous: A Surprising Journey

Fear, Fame, and Fabulous: A Surprising Journey

November 26, 20233 min read

Getting my name in the papers has been something that I thought I always wanted, but in reality I was scared of.

When I released my best selling book, Dream it and do it, Six steps into your own dream life and business, back in March, I was really scared of the visibility of it. I think I imagined that the paparazzi would be taking photos of me on my drive, putting the bins out in my pyjamas, and talking to my friends about what I’m like as a person.

getting publish

Reader, none of that happened. Of course it didn’t.

But that just shows how the thought of being more visible can hold us back. How our fears become HUGE, even though they are not based in any sort of reality. Those fears keep us stuck in the status quo.

I did a lot of work on my mindset back then, to help me to rationalise some of those fears. I had the opportunity to talk to the incredible Gabby Bernstein about it (nothing like aiming high!), I had a therapy session, and I did some journaling around my fears and why they were affecting me so much. I share that with you so that you can see that even successful people don’t always have their mindset sorted.

I didn’t get much press around the book launch, but this weekend I am thrilled to say that I am featured in Fabulous magazine, talking about why I decided to end my first marriage. This is my very first piece of major PR and it is very exciting!


Now don’t worry, it’s not a misery piece and it doesn’t dwell on the past, which incidentally is what I thought the media wanted - I mean, who doesn’t love an X Factor style sob story? Instead, the article is an uplifting read about my first marriage and beyond: meeting my ex husband when I was fresh out of university, how I changed as I grew older, how there came a point when I knew things needed to be different, how I created a new life for my children and me.

My work is all about positivity, looking forward, taking action and believing that you can make your life different. I firmly believe that it is up to us to choose the life that we know will make us truly happy, and to get out there and make it happen. My decision ten years ago has got me to where I am today - happy, settled, calm, running a business I love, all alongside being married to a wonderful man and enjoying time with my children and step-children.

So if you’re near a shop today, buy yourself a copy of The Sun and you’ll get Fabulous magazine thrown in, you’ll see me wearing some beautiful clothes, standing alongside some gorgeous women who also made a life-changing decision, and you’ll see the smiles on us all.

You CAN change your life.

You CAN be truly happy.

You CAN live a life that gives you the freedom, flow, fulfilment and fun you crave.

Want some help? You know where I am.

featured in Fabulous Magazine

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Laura Cruise

I am Laura Cruise, The Dream Transition Mentor: best-selling author, coach and mentor, podcaster, keynote speaker, and the inspiration for women the world over to create the life of their dreams.

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