Are you the CEO of your business?

If the answer is no, you definitely need to fix that. So often as small business owners we don't work on our business, instead we work in it - but you need to do both.

I invite you to come and spend the day with me in my gorgeous home in Ampthill so that you can do exactly that.

You will build your confidence around your goals, create an actionable plan for the future and most importantly, network with other business owners...and me!

  • You'll enjoy an intimate and relaxed day with other amazing female entrepreneurs

  • You'll have the time and space to evaluate what is working within your business, and how you can amplify your success

  • You'll end the day with a positive mindset and an actionable plan, ready to push yourself and your business to greater heights

  • Your investment is £350

Here’s what my clients have said about their experience of a day spent with me:

I’m absolutely buzzing after our session! I feel so much clearer, my mindset is more positive and I have a plan for how to make my business even more successful.

I’m Laura Cruise, also known as The Dream Transition Mentor™.

My mission in life is to help you create the life you've always dreamed of, the one that gives you freedom, flow, fulfilment and fun. 

Ten years ago I created my own dream life transition and I can honestly tell you that I am at the happiest point of my entire life - let me help you do the same.

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