Are you ready to live your dream life? 

Do you dream of doing something different with your life but you don’t know where to start?

Would you like to work for yourself but fear is holding you back? 

Are you already working for yourself but feel that you need to work on your mindset?

Do you need a big old dose of confidence to get yourself taking action? 

Is now the perfect time to put yourself first? 

If the answer to any of those questions is yes then you need to join The Dream Life Academy™!

I’m Laura, The Dream Transition Mentor™ and it is my mission to help my clients to achieve the freedom, flow, fulfilment and fun they have been dreaming of – sometimes for years.  

I firmly believe that in order to have all of those elements in every aspect of your life you need to work for yourself – that means you get to call the shots!

You get to choose when you work, how you work, what work you do and with whom.  

You get to be in the driving seat of your own life. 

Imagine how that would feel! 

How do I know all this?

Because four years ago I left my corporate role to work for myself.

I was desperate to achieve the four Fs:

  • Freedom

  • Flow

  • Fulfilment

  • Fun

All on my terms! 

I've taken the journey that you will take which means I am the perfect coach and mentor to help you to create your own dream life transition. 

Throughout a six week training and coaching programme I will take you through The Dream Transition Method™ – my unique and bespoke mindset method which will help you to:

  • Identify your dream or dreams and learn how to set them free  

  • Understand your reality right now and therefore identify what your starting point is

  • Focus your energy and commitment to the dream you wish to make a reality

  • Create an action plan for how you can start your transition to your dream life

  • Identify the magic you will feel when you have begun the transition and when you are actually living your dream life

  • Finally you will actually start making progress – your transition will have begun. All of this will ensure you are fired up and ready to take action! 

Join now for £497

When you join The Dream Life Academy you pay just once but then receive not only the amazing six-week mindset coaching programme but also lifetime access to the attached Facebook group and to monthly coaching calls with me. The monthly coaching calls are worth the entry price on their own!

So, are you in?

Click here if you are ready to sign up!

For the last four years I have been helping my clients to create the positive and confident mindset they need to start their transition into their own dream life and business. 

It’s life changing stuff and I love the nature of one to one coaching and mentoring work. 

But I totally understand that that option isn’t accessible to everybody because one to one work naturally carries a higher fee.

So I started exploring how I could help more people to pursue their dream life on a group basis and decided to create The Dream Life Academy. 

It’s such a gorgeous community to be a part of. 

I’m Laura Cruise, also known as The Dream Transition Mentor™.

My mission in life is to help you create the life you've always dreamed of, the one that gives you freedom, flow, fulfilment and fun. 

Ten years ago I created my own dream life transition and I can honestly tell you that I am at the happiest point of my entire life - let me help you do the same.

How long have you been dreaming about working for yourself? Why not make NOW the time you actually get started?

Stop thinking about:

– what you weigh

– how confident you feel

– how much money you’ve got saved

– whether you know what to actually do next

– what other people will say

– the state of the world

– any other blocks that are keeping you stuck

These things are important but they are not insurmountable - if you've been waiting for the 'right' time then this is it!

This is mindset work, confidence work and self-belief work.

This is deep, important work because it's about you.

This is about you getting truly self-focused.

I want you to dream as if it's already done!

Want to hear what my clients say about working with me?

Meeting Laura has been eye-opening. She instantly makes you feel relaxed and is extremely encouraging. I like her authentic natural style which suits me. I don’t feel judged and know I can achieve my goals and do anything I want to do”

Laura has a brilliant understanding of how to help you understand more about what it is you really want, helps you achieve your goals, and gave me ideas of how to push myself forward that I wouldn’t have thought of myself”

Laura asks thought-provoking questions and brought new ideas into the mix that I hadn’t even considered. She genuinely cares about helping people and she’s got an innate ability to get into the tricky things with ease and kindness”

Working with Laura has allowed me to rediscover who I am through recognising my daily positives, to finding out what’s important in my life and what makes me happy”

Laura has really helped me focus back in on the confident, real me. After a few months lost in other people's negativity and perception, I have finally taken control and am creating new opportunities without the fear of what other people will think”

Why join now?

There is something so exciting about joining an evergreen group – that means one which you stay in for as long as you want to.   

You benefit from all of the stories of the other members and you will be inspired by the other women in the group who have also dreamed of starting their own business and creating their dream life and are already on their journey to making it a reality.  

You’ll get an opportunity to experience coaching for yourself and also to see it in action during the monthly mindset coaching calls.  

You’ll be the inspiration for others when they join as they are just starting on the path to their dreams.  

As your mindset, confidence and business grows you will have new dreams you want to work on. You can use the The Dream Transition Method™ over and over again as you achieve your dreams and create new ones.  

The community is yours to access whenever you need it. 

I am in a community that works in this way and it is AMAZING! There is so much support, advice, inspiration and care plus it is the perfect place to share your wins, your growth, your development and your joy.  It is also is the perfect place to talk to others when things haven’t gone according to plan – because the members will all get it! 

Why choose a group over one to one coaching?

I’m going to level with you. My one to one coaching package, The Transformation, is an investment of £2497. If you’d like to work with me on a one to one basis then I’d love to have a chat with you about it. 

But if you need support now to get your dreams out of the starting blocks then join The Dream Life Academy™. 

Sign up now for £497

Remember you pay once and then have lifetime access to both the mindset programme and the group. 

It will be the best investment you make this year!

Got questions? Let me answer them!

How much does it cost to join The Dream Life Academy?

It’s currently £497 for lifetime access to the programme and the group.

How long will I have access to The Dream Life Academy?

You’ll have access to the Dream Life Academy for as long as the academy is open. I’m not planning on closing it anytime soon!

I want to work for myself but I’m not sure what I want to do

Don’t worry! I will help you start the process of becoming a regular dreamer. It’s a great habit to get into.

How do I watch the sessions?

All content for The Dream Life Academy is hosted on a separate platform. You will be sent your login details as soon as you sign up. You will also be invited to join the Facebook community that accompanies the group.

I would love to start my own business but I just don’t think I have it in me

Listen – you absolutely DO have it in you, I promise. Working on your mindset will show you all that you are capable of.

Join me – let me take you on a journey to that life you have always dreamed of. It will be so worth it. 

Laura x

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